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My Story

From an early age I would eat at restaurants with my parents and found myself checking the menus, scouring them for spelling mistakes. Having always been an avid reader, I applied the same principles to the novels I read.


A few years ago I was given the opportunity to proofread a crime fiction novel for a friend and discovered it was something I wanted to do professionally.


Through a series of events that some may call "coincidences" and others may call "fate" or even "destiny", the conception then birth of Proofed came.

Proofed has been created from a genuine love of words and all the things words portray. It doesn't matter what the message is - an incorrectly placed comma, an abandoned hyphen or the absence of a full-stop can create an almost entirely different meaning to the text being read.


Let me help you get your message across so it's understood exactly the way you intend it to be.

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